Thursday, October 29, 2009

Kids say the BEST things

Last night while reading a bedtime story to Nick he looked up and said "Mom, I think God gave me the right mother." Wow! With tears, I hugged him tight. He always knows just what to say.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bowling with a friend!

Isabel had given her friend Beth a coupon good for a day of bowling for her birthday (back in July!). I took them on Sunday and what a blast. Isabel won the first two games and Beth came back strong and won the second two.

With kids (mine especially) having so much stuff it's nice to give a gift that allows you to spend time with a friend! Bowling, mini golf, skating, a trip to the zoo - all make great gift ideas for a friend.

Hayride with Nick

Nick and I went on a hayride to the pumpkin patch at Bupperts Farm with his class (ok, a few weeks ago - I'm a little behind on my postings).

Lots of big pumpkins to choose from but Nick went for the one he could carry himself.
Then through the corn maze.

Halloween Fairy??

I read this idea about the Halloween Fairy:
(here are 2 but trust me there are more: and

Seems some folks think their kids get too much candy on Halloween so they have them leave it out for the Halloween Fairy - all but maybe 5 pieces. In return the Fairy leaves them a small gift. Now, personally, I'm all about the candy on Halloween, that's the point - especially if it's chocolate. And I think my kids would agree but I'm going to raise the question to them and see what they say.

I'm thinking they might be persuaded to trade in some of the candy for a gift or two. But all of it - highly doubtful. We'll see!

And by the way, if you're thinking I just let my kids have all the candy they want - you're right kind of. On Halloween night they can eat all they want. The next day it goes in a box and they get a piece or two every so often. Hubby eats the rest!

Just kidding!

Editor's Note: I just checked with Isabel and Nick on the subject of the Halloween Fairy. Isabel's immediate reply (much to my surprise) was Yes (of course she's hoping the Fairy will leave Paperonis - the number one item on her Christmas list). Nick, on the other hand, replied "No way." That's my boy.

Friday, October 9, 2009 the rain

We loaded the van and headed off for Cunningham Falls State Park for a long weekend of camping.

Unfortunately Uncle couldn't join us as he was in Richmond learning to drive a bus! We got the tent up, collected some firewood and got the fire going,. The the kids cooked hotdogs on sticks and roasted marshmallows for s'mores.

The next morning we woke to clouds but after a yummy pancake and egg breakfast we hiked into the woods toward Cunningham Falls. The drizzle started followed by rain drops that kept coming faster and faster. The kids didn't care!
The rain didn't stop and without fire there was no dinner so we went to Cracker Barrel for dinner. Sunday morning it was still raining so we packed up and came home.