Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Today we headed to the Science Center - highly recommended if you've never been. We were there maybe an hour when Uncle bent down to pick up a ball and stayed down. He had pulled his back out. He continued to lay on the floor of the Science Center hoping the pain would subside but no luck.

So, the folks at the SC were super nice and brought over a wheel chair while I went to get the van.

Off we went to the VA Medical Center. Then back to the SC so the kids could enjoy their time.

Discovering fossils

Laying on a bed of nailsPlaying a stringless harp
Dressed for the South Pole

Performing science experiments

Pulling himself up the stairs

Wearing an astronaut's helmet & gloves

Afterwards, back to the VA to get Uncle and take him home. Tonight he remains on the floor, the pain slightly better but still there. And here's something that we continue to ponder...upon our return home we found that Rosie, Lily and Betty had climbed on top of the window...

Isabel's still wondering how they managed that!

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